Clean Joke A Day

Clean Joke-a-Day will prove to you that it is still possible to be funny without having to get into the dirt. After you subscribe you will receive one clean joke in your mail box every day. Aside from this we will keep you posted on funny news items, dumb criminals, crazy situations that will make you roar with laughter, and guess what? You will feel much better about yourself and the world around you. Have a Positive Day! Cor Hartenberg

Monday, October 01, 2007

Joke of the Week!

Because of a shortage of maids, the minister's wife advertised for a manservant. The next morning a nicely dressed young man came to the front door. "Can you start the breakfast by seven o'clock?" asked the minister.

"I guess so," answered the man.

"Can you polish all the silver, wash all the dishes, do the laundry, take care of the lawn, wash windows, iron clothes and keep the house neat and tidy?"

"Say, preacher," said the young fellow rather meekly, "I came here to see about getting married but if it's going to be as much work as all that, you can count me out right now."


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